Girl, 4, raped by her brother, 12, who had large amount of porn on his phone



A schoolboy who raped his sister during games of hide and seek bribed her with Skittles and had large amounts of porn on his mobile phone, a court has heard.

The 12-year-old boy is said to have repeatedly raped the girl, who was four at the time.

She eventually told her mother while having a bath and the boy, now 13, has admitted raping and sexually touching his sister.

He was found guilty of a second count of rape after a hearing at Brighton Youth Court.

The court was told the boy owned a mobile phone and investigators had found a significant amount of porn on it.

Youth offending experts will now carry out weeks of assessment to decide whether he poses a risk to the public and whether he should face jail.

At an earlier hearing the mother of the girl, who is half sister to the boy, wiped away tears as she described how her little girl had told her.

‘She said to me ‘Mummy I want to tell you something’. She didn’t normally say things with such an introductory manner,’ the girl’s mother said.

‘She wanted to tell me. It was something important to her. She said it happened while they were playing hide and seek.

The mother said the girl had divulged further details about a week later – giving details of at least two occasions when she was raped and another time she was sexually assaulted.

Her mother said: ‘She said he offered her sweeties to do this. She said she didn’t like it but she liked the sweeties.

‘I said to her liking sweeties was perfectly all right but he should never have offered her sweets to do something like that.

‘She said “he made me like Skittles”. She was clearly cross about that. I said to her “why didn’t you tell Mummy?” and she said “He told me not to”.’

At the hearing yesterday District Judge Teresa Szagun a significant amount of pornographic material had been found on the boy’s phone.

The judge warned the boy that he faces the possibility of a severe custodial sentence.

The judge said: ‘I’m sure what she described is accurately what happened to her. The way she spoke was very factual and articulate.

‘She was able to tell me about those experiences very well. What she describes was you making her take off her skirt and pants, telling her not to tell, it was a secret, giving her sweets.’

The court was told boy has already been subjected to psychological assessments to see whether he can tell the difference between right and wrong.

The boy changed his pleas from not guilty on two of the charges midway through his trial which had been adjourned from last month.

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