Psychiatrists are being consulted over Donald Trump’s mental state


Members of Congress are seeking professional help to assess Donald Trump’s mental well-being.

Three Democratic members of Congress have requested a psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine to consult with them and create an expert panel to review the mental health of the 45th president of the United States.

Dr. Brandy Lee says she has been approached to discuss how psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health professionals could liaise ‘to review the president’s mental health, and review it on a periodic basis.’

It’s expected that the meeting will take place in September, Lee told Stat.

The request came from three serving members of Congress and one former member.

They do not wish to be publicly identified yet.

The mental health panel plans comes as 27 Democrats have co-sponsored a bill to investigate ‘a commission on presidential capacity’.

Carrying out a provision on the 25th amendment, the commission could give Congrewss the authority to establish a body that holds the power to declare President Trump ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office’.

Brief medical records released by Trump last year did not include a mental health evaluation.

Since taking office, a number of professionals have questions Trump’s conduct and comments.

In October, a book edited by Dr Brandy Lee features analysis of Trump’s behaviour by 27 mental health experts.

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