Russia has unveiled its new fleet of 'invisible' supersonic fighter jets, boasting that they are already the envy of air forces around the world.
The £120million Sukhoi-57, which will have a top speed of 1,615 mph, is said to rival America's F-22 and China's Chengdu J-20,
Kremlin officials say the fifth-generation stealth jet has been 'christened like a baby after its birth' as Su-57 and will undergo another year of testing before it enters military service in 2019.
The country's air force chief Viktor Bondarev described the aircraft as a 'wonderful machine' and last month said: 'Every country probably wants planes such as this, and we have them.'
The country's air force chief Viktor Bondarev described the aircraft as a 'wonderful machine' and last month said: 'Every country probably wants planes such as this, and we have them.'
The plane was called 'PAK FA' and 'T-50' during its developmental stage. Russia says the Su-57 will use state-of-the-art stealth technology to make it hard to track on enemy radars.
According to Newsweek, the jet will carry K-77M missiles with a reported range of 125 miles. The U.S. AIM-120D Scorpion has a shorter range of about 100 miles.
In 2015, it was reported that it will be able to fly at a maximum altitude of 20 kilometers with top speeds of 2,600 kilometers per hour.
Russia's state military aviation manufacturer has previously claimed the jet will be cheaper to produce than its US equivalent with units costing less than £120million.
The country's armed forces will receive an initial batch of 12 of the aircraft, Tass reports.
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