Adolf Hitler is not a 128-year-old man living in Argentina



People appear to have fallen for a satirical article about Adolf Hitler still being alive and living in Argentina.

To get things clear from the start, he’s not. But that hasn’t stopped the story being picked up by reputable news sources and shared widely, particularly in South America.

If he was he would be 128 years old – six years older than the officially recognised oldest person that ever lived, Jeanne Calment (1875–1997), who was 122 years and 164 days old when she died.

The report stemmed from a spoof website that said he was living in the country as Herman Gunthenberg after being issued a fake passport by the Gestapo.

It also states that Mr Gunthenberg had revealed his true identity after Mossad (Israel’s secret service) scaled back its hunt for Nazis last year.
Hitler killed himself in his bunker in Berlin in 1945 (Picture: Popperfoto/Getty Images)
There have been many bizarre claims and conspiracy theories over what happened to Hitler (Picture: Getty)

Earlier this year it was claimed that Adolf Hitler didn’t shoot himself in the ruins of Berlin. Instead, he used a secret runway next to his bunker to escape in a military plane.

A new documentary, ‘Hunting Hitler’ on the History Channel, claims that the Fuhrer was spirited away to a secret military compound in Argentina, where he plotted to rebuild his Reich.

The film-makers say that solid evidence of Hitler’s death is lacking – and that there are hints that he escaped Berlin alive in 1945.

Other prominent Nazis such as Auschwitz’s ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele were spirited out of Germany by SS officers in the last days of the war.

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